Monday, November 19, 2018

rudolph the red-nosed whatever

i venture to the stores today in a trip determinedly dedicated to commerce. as opposed to a walk that serendipitously ends up in the neighborhood, so to speak, sans planning sans energy and sans wallet.

here are my observations:
  • they've started on the great christmas carol massacre. right on time just off of halloween
  • there is a concurrent black friday sale. that's cultural appropriation for you
  • some people even have an autumn sale! 
in any case, like i report to HOM, i spend two-odd hours browsing and successfully buy yong tau foo for lunch. vive la on-line shopping!


  1. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving which doesn't happen till tomorrow. Perhaps cultural MISappropriation is more appropriate....

  2. haha you are right. over-enthusiastic at that!
