Friday, September 27, 2013

hymn of praise

you have come to mount zion and to the city of the living God... to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn... to God the judge... spirits of men made perfect... Jesus the mediator... the blood of sprinkling...
- heb 12:22-24

i come, broken and flawed, with fullest access and complete legitimacy.
i come to a place where joy is not a luxury but a song i get to sing.
i come, forgiven redeemed and perfected.
this song-bird with a broken wing.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

public loo

  • public facilities with modern slate colored fittings and subdued lighting. give me bright white anytime. 
  • women who cannot aim. i can't say about the men's room, but the women's is littered with loo paper. 
  • white loo paper looks very conspicuous against a slate background.

what it says on the box

things are more touchy feely now. 
back in the day teachers' day was for kids' teachers.

but here's to the two men who taught me and lifted my eyes higher along the way - prof G and prof R.

nice brownie it was, next to the croissant.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

heartland living

breezy evening. hawker center. fish head curry. seventh month. live getai music. as HOM says,  here is an entertainment package of pretty high caliber. what's not to like?

class reunion reflections

  1. people who are nice when they are wet behind their ears generally remain nice into middle age.
  2. doctors in different specialties tend to have distinct personalities. 
  3. the most disparately diverse group of physicians are the family ones. we are nothing if not unpredictable.

class reunion

our class has a 25th-year-since-graduation gathering.

twenty-five is a good number of years to meet at, i think. enough have passed that many will attend. and enough have passed that most people have become nice, like good wine. but not so many that all talk is about what-has-been's; we are still busy catching up with the present. 


season's change

empty chairs at empty tables.
perhaps parents feel the passage of seasons most who have college-aged offspring.