Saturday, May 17, 2014

it's time to take a break

some major projects in. some major tasks done. pretty much all the big briefings done. J1 home on summer holidays. J2 home soon. HOM back after that. May coming to an end.

i suddenly have a nice shimmery feeling that i ought to go on vacation soon.

travel plans

  • J1 comes home
  • HOM goes off on business
  • J2 comes home, with Y
  • J1 goes to visit his friend
  • HOM comes back from business
  • Y goes off
  • J1 comes back
a girl might as well camp at the airport.

home office

the man and his machines.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

new word

frivia n. inconsequential information of a particularly pointless nature. [f. Eng. frivolous + trivia]
frivialize v. to acquire inconsequential information of a particularly pointless nature.

she frivialized the morning away, watching old solvil et titus commercials on youtube.