Sunday, June 29, 2014

gender confusion

i don't know what you've got, brother, but it sure ain't wot you think it is.

family discussion

it would be really nice to have another dog. a golden retriever preferably. adopted and house-trained would be socially responsible and convenient. J2 wants to call it Charlie. i'm thinking Esmeralda. J1 would like a corgi called Edgar. HOM thinks we are too busy and says any dog would become a latchkey dog. sometimes HOM is brutally realistic and pragmatic.


... as i am fully known.
1 Cor 13:12

Friday, June 20, 2014

colors day

this year's camp color is also k.c.dat's corporate color. it makes for a somewhat unfortunate meeting of equals at the parking lot where we (campers) wait for the church bus and the (k.c.dat) crew await their assignment for the day.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

church camp

have devices, will travel.
church camp will never be the same again.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


we take an overnight trip to old malacca. the red house the church the hill the tombs pale next to ole sayang the antique shops and the pottery mart. plus we discover a little shop selling gorgeous kashmiri textiles. we need to do this more often, HOM and i tell each other. again.

Monday, June 9, 2014

thirty-year wait

βαπτίζω - of the rite of sacred ablution, first instituted by John the Baptist, afterward by Christ's command... 

my mother is baptized. 


one childhood memory.
three adults one gadget one youtube video.
and it still takes ten minutes to conquer that bottle.
some designs are flawed.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

night activity

doing random bible trivia quizzes with J2. cheap thrill. real fun.