Monday, February 8, 2016

st peter's primacy

do you love me more than these? a man was asked a long time ago.
yes, i love you more than these. but what of my weakness under duress? 

do you love me?
yes, but my tongue runs away and i say what i bitterly regret after.

do you love me?
you know all things; you know i love you. you know my love is imperfect.

(limited) jordan thoughts

1. amman moab and edom currently mean more than just words on a page
2. agatha christie's middle east stories are pretty good pre-reading for atmosphere
3. the pita! the hummus! the veggies! the oil!
4. the rugs! the colors! the juxtaposition!
5. the air-conditioned indoor smokers are a major reason to reconsider a visit though

israel thoughts

1. it's an oasis of efficient modernity
2. their bus drivers are superb
3. old jerusalem is worth several prolonged visits
4. so is jaffa
5. the pita! the hummus! the veggies! the oil!
5. how did i read the bible all these years without even considering geography history and culture?? is this the price of evangelization?

to J2

not so long ago my little girl was born and i went home and she stayed in hospital because she was too tiny and then she was unwell and got better. then she grew and got herself an infectious smile that starts from her eyes and her special way of grabbing bulls by their horns and a deep sweetness in her soul. and now she suddenly is another year older. 

... those that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles... isaiah 40:31

my child, i pray that you will renew your strength all the days of your life. may you soar gloriously and fearlessly and do so faithfully and fruitfully. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

saturday morning in town

the reason some people shy away from tradition must be because tradition is so aggressively paraded in the lead-up to commercially advantageous traditional celebrations like chinese new year.

i have high pitched chinese prosperity tunes coming out of my ears.
when i shut my eyes i see mandarin oranges and unending rows of couplets.
red is quickly becoming the color to avoid.

on second thoughts it's just christmas in another language.

random thoughts

at the bus-stop
i see a young woman holding two kids' hands
a little boy and a littler girl
and i - older and freer i -
suddenly remember J1 and J2 as toddlers
and the many mistakes i have made
and it is bittersweet.