Saturday, January 21, 2017

early thanksgiving

considering we missed most of the end of last year in preparation of our fifteenth house removal and then lost much of the rest of it in hospital with HOM's dad's fractured hip, now is a nice time to take a breather. 

i'm thankful that we are established in a new home with new routines new inconveniences great breezes and a (marginally) downsized inventory. the gas is finally connected the leaking pipe is fixed the hole in the wall is patched and the kitchen sink no longer bubbles from the joint. E seems to like it. (that is to say E does not seem to dislike it.)

i'm thankful for the mechanics of the move. deferring the date three times due to contractor delays actually worked out better for us timing-wise. and the decluttering was more draconian too. we had J1 move with us during his winter break, poor fellow, but that was our great gain.

i'm thankful for our contractor mr. H, who has built parts of pretty much every one of our previous local homes. that's twenty-six years of business for you. 

and it looks like HOM's dad will be discharged from a lovely rehabilitation facility soon. it's lovely to me anyway. the staff are gentle and cheerful and available and kind. although that does not stop the HOM's dad from incessant griping. but hey, patient unhappiness is par for the course, right. 

in other news, the world outside rocks with Trump's inauguration healthcare restructuring and a new trend of cars driving at speed against the flow of traffic. J1 starts a blog and E has diarrhea.

new year new fad

they would like it to be ABCD now. adiposity-based chronic disease.

words fail me.