Sunday, October 1, 2017

my family and other animals (gerry durrell, 1956)

note to self: you need to read more than trade journals and the world wide web!!!

this book comes from childhood days, like narnia and the little house on the prairie, except that i never got to it until that chance acquisition from the used books store the other day.

this book comes from another time - a time of leisurely gentlemen's pursuits and home-schooling and multiple meandering roads to adulthood. there is no character development, which makes this good to read fitfully over weeks of bedtimes. he waxes on about sun and moon and land creatures and sea creatures and air creatures and i would skip the passages but for the spell of words that holds me. his conversations are what i wish i could produce in my next argument with random irritants. i laugh out loud on a regular basis, and especially at the close of the book.

the blurb on the cover says bewitching. i agree. if a life-long lover of creature comforts can be charmed into thinking that natural history may have merits, that is almost occult indeed.