Wednesday, September 25, 2019

the rosie project - graeme simsion (2013)

this is a little jewel box of a book, quirky and charming with gems scattered generously so that you cannot skim read. 

the hero is immediately likeable, he who personifies all of us klutzes who have been socially awkward in our time. even better, he is not cringing at the awkwardness of it at all. 

the heroine is, of course, the most beautiful woman on earth, if a little messed up psychologically. but then so is he and aren't we all?

the plot tension is nicely wonderfully understated and draws you in before you remember that you dislike plots that depend on disingenuous behavior because they stress you out too much.

to top it all off the psychology of high functioning borderline autism is fascinating and eminently plausible and hence makes this intellectually as well as emotionally satisfactory.

this has got to be most enjoyable novel i've read in a long time.