Sunday, October 18, 2020

pandemic memories

  • masking up. i'm not sure i want to go back to not masking. i haven't had a cold this year yet, and we are ten months in
  • physical distancing is good too. the sardine can act was never very attractive
  • it's been a good excuse to bow out of social obligations. one is not complaining
  • working from home. and dual monitors (yippee catalina and sidecar!!).
  • endless walks. the trails never did see such traffic yet
  • safe entry <face palm> <eyeroll> #allalternativeexitsclosedoff <sigh>


by the canal


 leaves falling 

 nip in the air

 wind in my face

 cast over the sky

 almost (almost) autumn

 i miss the leaden skies so much


mixed metaphors garbled logic endless repetitions. and a loop of one word.

where do hapless members of the congregation go when worship songs hold them captive because, well, sunday morning?