Tuesday, November 3, 2020


  • we get a morning walk to replace the old drive to the office
  • sometimes we even get youtiao with soy milk after the walk!
  • E the dog gets company the whole day
  • an afternoon siesta is no longer always a story book concept

  • meetings start on time and more show up
  • although i suspect more are present-but-absent
  • and it is easy to exit a zoom meeting on time too! click the red button!
  • unfortunately the less-responsive people are even harder to get ahold of these days

  • some people are dressing at a whole new level of casual
  • and i've glimpsed more bedrooms than i'd have chosen to really
  • the face powder budget is diverted to the face mask budget
  • and my heels are kicking themselves in the closet
  • HOM's travel
  • the gasoline bill
  • the steps i have clocked!