Sunday, November 28, 2021

the thursday murder club - richard osman (2020)

smashing good read, is what i say.

in a sly eccentric understated and always politely witty way that has me the moment i meet Elizabeth. with a plot that is convoluted enough to meander gently to several satisfying conclusions. and chapters that are nicely short-ish and sharp-ish. 

this is what i've been waiting for, i think. there is children's fiction and young adult and all the rest of it. it's high time the retirees had their own believable relatable superpowers.

Saturday, November 27, 2021


just as we gingerly inch our way past the delta peak

right as we are cheering our high vaccination rate

time to rediscover an outraged morality and share more freely 

and high time to dust off the old greek alphabet

Friday, November 26, 2021


time for HOM and me to do the tourist-at-home thing and spend some hotel points. and hey, hotels have heard us since our last frivolous stay:
  • no more bland subliminally icky wall-to-wall carpet
  • no more bath tub. about time, yesss!
  • simpler electrical controls. as in, on. off.
  • simpler bathroom tap controls. as in, left. right. hot. cold.
  • in-room nespresso machine ♥
  • wall sockets everywhere, especially USB ones
  • and room wifi that doesn't kick us out every 2 hours

Thursday, November 25, 2021

with thanksgiving and in awe

for a strangely disjointed frankly dysfunctional year
for work to do that must be done yet
for friends and colleagues who become friends
for fellowship and laughter and opportune tables

for new family that God adds
for old family that God keeps
for the new path that God opens
for the familiar path that God preserves

for all these and much more
thank you