Monday, May 16, 2022

blessed and grateful

for a girl who loves her desserts as much as i do, having to swear off the sweets that spike the sugars has been easier to bear than otherwise because HOM has very kindly and creatively produced stuff that is low GI and sugar-constrained and that is absolutely diabetes-compatible. and delicious.

balli kaur jaswal

erotic stories for punjabi widows (2017)

inheritance (2013)

i discover a new author. she writes smoothly and addresses diversely gritty topics with grace. she is entirely grammatical while conveying a nice sense of multi-ethnic multi-racial authenticity. i gain some insight into a culture i have not hitherto known much of. i am delighted.

Monday, May 9, 2022

used books warehouse

my favorite kind of laid back recycled goods store. and HOM is very kind and long-suffering to let me meander through the shelves.


Sunday, May 8, 2022

jacob's ladder

you sure you want to climb it? HOM asks me doubtfully. i'm guessing he harbors memories of pulling me up half of xiangshan in taipei. yes, i say. i do.

it's the new me that's a little less avoidant of challenges. hey, if a girl can cobble together a mini resistance workout to improve her blood sugars, she can jolly well climb up that interminable lot of steps.

anyway, i do it. to my own surprise too.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

more thoughts about travel

 specifically about the accommodation:

  • the electricals need to work. effortlessly
  • the hot water should be instant. or as near as
  • the shower has to be powerful. doesn't need to be rain
  • the charging points should be abundant. especially bedside
  • the place should be clean. at least appear to be!
  • and bright. nice yellow bright is good
bonus if:
  • the plates and cutlery match, and
  • the stemware is elegant
we've struck gold this trip, i tell HOM. with laundry on-site too. we are golden and clean.

Friday, May 6, 2022


a happy recommendation from a random stranger brings us to the beach today. out of sheer practicality, i remove my shoes and walk the stretch of gnabarup beach, sand between my toes be damned. 

that's one item off my hitherto non-existent bucket list, i tell HOM. the wind in my hair as i walk the beach and listen to the sound of the breakers and an occasional dog to wave to.

happy mistake and thoughts about travel

we miss a turn and pop down a little lane trying to get back on track and chance upon the sea! i love the beach, i tell HOM. at least i do until i get to the sand. 

middle aged travel has its advantages. you don't have to plan if you don't want to and no child is going to starve if you didn't read up ahead of time. there is data and google and tripadvisor and strangers to accost and opinions to cadge. i call it just-in-time travel for the lazy.

morning shot

hot cuppa. cold morning. is it cold there, someone asks. for us, yesssbrrrrrrr. but that's why we came!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

roll call


malay wordle





nice little quotidian dopamine hits. or not, depending on the day.