Sunday, January 29, 2023

horrifying observation

have you noticed how people say, so-and-so is too old to change, we have to accept them as they are. and that is that! 

which means that if we live long enough, we can get away with any obnoxious thing. this is both awful and awesome. for the record, if i live long enough, i want to wear heels and look good. even if i have to accessorize with a walker.

going solo

HOM is traveling. this reminds me i have not been on my own since three years ago. i miss my talk partner. and walk mate. and dinner date. and bedfellow. but the space is nice too.

we are 75!

church celebrates 75 today and, as mega celebrations go, this one is one of the better ones. more inclusive less token-y more seamless less disorganized but unfortunately noisy but i guess one cannot avoid that. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

meddling and murder - ovidia yu (2017)


geriatric protagonist. villains worth detesting. affectionately rendered singlish. local color i can relate to. locations in my backyard. with an overarching confidence and polish. plus a rollickin' good plot. 

shades of richard osman and hamish macbeth and even better than them, in fact, because ovidia yu writes with a sneaky good wit to boot.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

annual gripe

namely, chinese new year songs played on infinite loop. 

re mi do mi si mi la. (repeat non-stop)

it's enough to make you loopy.

basic good: muar traders hotel

possibly my all-time favorite no-frills hotel and the new standard to beat:

  • abundantly scattered power sockets 
  • with choice of plug type!
  • different pillow categories (and a goldilocks one)
  • super firm mattress (luuuurve)
  • shower pressure to rival the best
  • with almost instant hot water 
  • light switches in a simple row
  • and bright task lighting
  • not a roach in sight
  • plus lots of room to maneuver in
what it doesn't have:
  • nice wallpaper
  • funky art pieces
  • nespresso machine
  • liquid soap
but that's ok. i'll take what they have any day i need a functional quickie stay.
and if the room smells faintly of air freshener i'll take that too if i have to.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

the first day

how do you plan to spend your day? my friend asks. i plan to vegetate, i say.
and so i do. i have a nice slow cozy lazy kinda day. i expend the most energy in deciding what to put into the salad. i glory in not showing up at work tomorrow. i watch mindless food videos and i look at pretty drawings of whimsy. i read a book on how to think about my retirement years. it's been a good day.

new year

ohhhh it's crept up like december sneaked up

and suddenly i write 23 instead of 22

i haven't made my resolutions

and i don't feel any different

all i did was wake up
