Sunday, February 26, 2023

post-dorscon orange

signs of the new times abound.

weddings are back. maskless and ten-a-table again. sigh.

 they have planted flowers by the wayside. very pretty and appreciated!

 and supermarket samples are back! milk and beef and wine and all!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

mary poppins and other magic

something about a cool wet afternoon
becoming a cool wet night
with a glass of good red
and a good book
pure. enchantment.

Monday, February 6, 2023

that's it

E's leash snaps. thirty-one years. first S then G then E. although G was too large for this one. and on E's watch it gives up the ghost.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

angry man

the fellow at the meat counter 

jabs at his rack of roast chickens 

until they are pounded into submission 

on the display rack.

 one poor chicken loses her (his?) skin along the way

what a tragedy

because we all know 

the skin is the best part.

he looks angry

but i don't think it's me

'cause i didn't ask for the duck

until after he settled his chickens.

i think to myself that to be able to go to work at a job one doesn't mind doing and sometimes does quite well and is paid adequately for is a blessing indeed. i am grateful.

i spy . . . red cow

the ol' neighborhood is gentrifying. this means higher prices soon. and loss of the authentic village charm. but really, i confess i like gentrification. it usually comes with more options and better coffee. and almost always better standards of al fresco hygiene.

killers of a certain age - deanna raybourn (2022)

you think you have encountered every form of the murder story and then every once in a while you encounter a fresh form that is delightful unexpected and utterly entertaining. this book is refreshing (no unnecessary agonizing over obligatory plot tensions) thrilling (because possessing superpowers at my age is naturally thrilling) and enthralling (because just enough tension for me to want to know quick what happens next!!!!). with pretty much every loose end tied up in the end as a really satisfying bonus. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


a stranger gives his seat up for me on the train.

a grown man who looks as old as i feel. except he has blacker hair than i do.

i take the seat bashfully gratefully and guiltily. such a lovely man.