Sunday, July 23, 2023

sunday grievance

people who lead in the congregational prayer should be made to write down their prayers beforehand. just so as to avoid inelegant unedifying and unfocused rambling. 

it amazes me that we tolerate bombast and inaccuracy in church that we never would in a secular context.

no thanks!

some are art installations some are misguided attempts. is all i'm sayin'.

Saturday, July 22, 2023


nice chalk art on the back lane today.
we ought to do this more often. random bits of exuberances prettying up the neighborhood.

li'l plebe

have your bouquet and your oaken notes and your complexity and just gimme a nice arty label.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

noise pollution

today's sermon delivery is predicated on two assumptions: 

  • the congregation is hard of hearing
  • the congregation is sleepy and tired
the second assumption is reasonable and perhaps justifies the preacher's rhythmic bouncing on the pulpit. but really, i tell HOM, there ought to be a decibel beyond which the public address system will not go. the sound detracts from the message, which is actually pretty good.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

wham bang (gulp)

and before you know it half the year's gone and it's practically time to count down to christmas.

how many children do you have? someone asks me. two, i reply, and i've just married the second one off. wow, she says. because she is looking forward to meeting her first in november, much like i did thirty-odd years ago.

the days are long but the years are short. the months get shorter too. but glad i am to have them.