Friday, November 24, 2023

giving thanks

family i do not deserve
friends who gladden and cheer
fellowship around the table
and work that steadies me

the year has been full.
you crown the year with your goodness

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

to J1, on his birthday

as usual, i marvel at how far you have come. independent and able and making your way with your own and there in spite of all that we were not! how i give thanks for this kind considerate and likable young fellow with hopes and dreams and still some stars in his eyes!

may you dream God's dreams. may you desire His will. may God grant you the desires of your heart. 

may you walk wisdom's path. may you know great joy. may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

the good doctor - barron h. lerner (2014)

the life and practice of an old school physician as told by his modern day physician son. it is as if the changes he describes in the united states anticipate and mirror those i see today in singapore. humbling and inspiring and provocative. he writes quite well too, on something as potentially explosive as differing norms of practice.

bleecker street

visited zuri. niceeeee.

Monday, November 20, 2023

i love nyc in the fall

bite in the air
everything bagel
bacon 'n' eggs
hot coffee

it's good to be back

Sunday, November 5, 2023

sunday thoughts

and after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. - 1 Peter 5:7

in other words, after i tremble and falter and stumble and see the extent of my want, He will himself repair the faulty broken ashamed me to make me sound will make me stable and render me constant make strong my weak fickle core and hew a strong foundation for me.

Peter says this, who surely saw himself crumble and fail and was himself restored confirmed strengthened and established for his ministry. thanks be to God for his wonderful gift.

resistance work

one elevator under maintenance. the remaining elevator breaks down.

it gives a new meaning to walk-up apartment when you need to get to the 14th level. with an almost 20-kg dog. who is in worse shape than you. but HOM and i manage it. gasping of course.

HOM is worse off than i. seeing as how he is the one who carries E up the steps.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


HOM's latest. quieter and at a good (used) price, he tells me. which is all very true, and good for him. but me, i luuurve the color.

recent refreshments

with much gratitude:

  • unoffendable by brant hansen (2023). his premise of not getting upset with others simply because God isn't upset with me. how true! how often forgotten in my righteous indignation!
  • recent sunday preachers who do not aurally assault neither do they bounce here and there on the pulpit. instead they make their quiet points and provoke me to new thoughts. most appreciated!
  • and this lovely hymn with simple-yet-sneakily-profound words by bonhoeffer / siegfried fietz, by gentle powers:
by gentle powers lovingly surrounded
with patience we'll endure, let come what may
God is with us at night and in the morning
and certainly on every future day