Saturday, October 5, 2024


after the church i wander into the attached cemetery which turns out to be a fully cemented patch of monochromatic headstones and lots crammed together. yet it is a place of repose and cool breeze under an overcast sky and i see chinese characters roman numerals and tamil script beautifully and egalitarianly juxtaposed. this is the malaysia of my childhood. tanah pusaka berbagai bangsa di dalamnya.

though a great world removed from the gaudy chinese cemetery of my childhood which is responsible for many adolescent nightmares and much PTSD.

exciting sighting

if you look very carefully amongst the zinnias there is a special buzzing being that i initially think is a large bee but is actually a hummingbird!!! in the tropics!!!

2024 is shaping up to be the year of the hummingbird.

a pause

i wander into a catholic church on a saturday morning. the caretaker hustles his dog away so i can enter. the church is cavernous quiet and welcoming. i spend a time in stillness with the sound of the flowing water for company.

it is a pity that protestant churches with our energetic outreach strategies do not open our churches for personal meditation on days that are not sundays. also a pity that modern buildings are somehow more utilitarian than contemplative.

Friday, October 4, 2024