Friday, March 8, 2013

work-life balance

HOM and i stumble home bushed from a week at work. at least we have the weekend in between the work weeks, we gasp to each other. how do couples with younger children do it, whose weekends are spent shuttling from one enrichment class to another? we wonder. 

how does one find the energy to cycle from the week to weekend to the week to the weekend with no foreseeable end in sight? how did we use to manage it?


  1. 1) we were younger then
    2) our kids didn't have a multitude of enrichment/tuition classes on weekends.

  2. This is probably the story of my life. I am a little more advantaged in that I work with my husband. Nonetheless, things manage to work out and each is a day lived by faith:)

  3. take care then. as you can tell from the comment above, the weekends reappear when the kids (and we) get older!
