Sunday, May 19, 2013


sunday morning and i think to myself, life is good. not perfect, mind you. there are frustrating bits attached to everyone and everything and to home and to work. my body aches so does his and his head too and every blood investigation i dare not do is off the gaussian norm. fatigue keeps constant company and anxiety is sneakily low-grade endemic. conversations are often one exchange away from discord. on the other hand i find pockets of fellowship and laughter and morning walks in gorgeous weather. sometimes tender kindnesses can fill your heart to spilling. the secret is not looking to a perfect future, i tell someone. it is rejoicing in now.

there remains therefore a rest for the people of God.
- heb 4:9


  1. Thanks for sharing that beautiful verse from Hebrews. May you enter into that rest!

  2. you are welcome. may you have a blessed day too :)
