Sunday, October 27, 2013

taking stock

if you think there's been a dearth of thought provoking thoughtfully penetrating posts lately you would be right. it occurs to me that becoming an active member of the economy (as opposed to simply injecting cash into it from time to time) has an adverse effect on the brain cells that make sharp sarcastic comments on life. so that, as much as i like what i do (sometimes i even use the other L word), i find myself mostly just ready for bed at the end of each workday, pithy witticisms and diary keeping be damned.

here's what this year has done to me:
  • i no longer cook, not even instant noodles
  • i no longer read story books. i miss j.d. robbs
  • i no longer shop for fun, despite having more pocket money
  • i no longer drive; i just get driven
  • i walk a lot more when i am not driven
  • i have been reminded again of the dignity and grace of the human spirit in the broken bodies and torn-apart lives it has been my privilege to meet in the course of work, which is a big reason i am thankful to do what i do

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