Saturday, November 9, 2013

the selection interview 101

freshly coming off three days of back-to-back selection interviews, here are some observations:
  • résumés these days are enervatingly impressive. woe betide thee if thou hast not the published research the community service and the multiple awards.
  • what stands out then are your results. which is unfair and myopic of us, but when you are young and undifferentiated it helps to be outstanding.
what works?
  • communicating really well is a definite advantage. however, rambling non-stop is not.
  • genuine interest and involvement in the rest of life works too. boring is boring.
  • grooming always works.
what does not work?
  • putting your elementary school results on your c.v. only makes me question your good judgement.
  • oiliness of word or manner. yeeeech.
what i say is, it isn't easy getting into a program these days. and looking at the program, even if you get in, it isn't easy getting out. there's something to be said about being a baby boomer.

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