Saturday, December 28, 2013


as thy days, so shall thy strength be.
- deut 33:25

it's been a long year learning again the old reflexes, and acquiring the ol' insiders' jargon, and earning anew the old legitimacy, as well as getting to be genuinely good at what i am paid to do. and i dare say, with God's extreme grace, that i have been able to do summat, although it sure has been painful.

it's been a long year waiting upon J and J's growth and maturation, and trusting upon divine love and provision which exceed mine, as well as hoping against broken hope. and i dare say God's mercies are new every morning, and he is generous with them, and he really answers prayer.

it's been a year of rediscovering my friend, of long walks and longer conversations, of argument and gentleness and hurt and kindnesses, of reaching our autumn. it's been short, this year, and i pray God makes it longer.

as my days, so my strength hath been. thank God.

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