Wednesday, February 12, 2014

after the colic

what i manage to read today, because i feel better and manage to stay up past 9 for a change:
  • a commentary on clean and unclean, as per Leviticus. i still don't get why a man with sub-total skin disease is unclean but a man with globally involved skin becomes clean.
  • a couple of essays on euthanasia and suicide. what i say is, such essays should not be read on the bed. they have a soporific effect on the unsuspecting.
  • robert frost.
i also get to talk to J2 and start a new blog. additionally, dinner was a fabulous tom yam instant noodle, liberally cilantroed. it feels good not to be sick anymore.

in other news and in another place, HOM is awaiting the next big winter storm to hit the nova region. that is to stay, i am  anxiously monitoring the capital weather gang while he drievs with impunity to work and (i hope) back.

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