Sunday, September 28, 2014

first rant in a bit

what is it with church services these days? 

the songs are jolly-ho experiential upbeat-y relentlessly energetic choruses. or not. sometimes they are endless repetitions of a few key phrases. sermons have little discernible connection to the scripture passage. and the preacher keeps telling me to turn to my neighbor to tell him all sorts of things. God is good, i am supposed to say. He answers prayer. i am happy to see you today.

the song of the prison cell plumbs the depths of pain as well as joy. i would learn to sing it in church. the world's  message is straightforward cheerful and positive. i would learn to grapple with unavoidable issues in church. and don't get me wrong. fellowship makes the heart glad and strengthens the spirit. but surely there is a time for quiet reverence and broken reflection. in church.

it's enough to make a case for high church. or perhaps i am being hormonal.

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