Friday, November 21, 2014

things i want to say, on your birthday

keep the faith. remember the Lord in the days of your youth, and in the days to come, when joys will shower you and pains will carelessly toss you.

work hard. easy victories are easy. there is a special reward for those who toil for their success. work hard and strive to be excellent. there is a cheaper way, but this other will make you richer, in ways that matter. 

don't get jaded. values are malleable creatures. they are formed pure and easily get modulated or sullied. remember the source of your values is our unchanging Father of light, and resist the temptation to a lower standard. 

give back. as you have already begun, to our immense gladness and gratitude. continue to do so, in whatever manner you can. it is a blessing to give, and a blessing to be able to. 

and i am certain that God, who began a good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ returns.
- phil 1:6

happy birthday, son. we give thanks for you.

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