Sunday, March 8, 2015

old times 2 - getting out of it

winter travel is unpredictable. march is spring not winter. so HOM and i get nicely caught in the tailspin of an anachronism. that is to say, we get the full brunt of a snow storm on the day we fly out of d.c.

to be specific, the 'plane i am seated in gets mechanical trouble followed by communications trouble followed by crew time-out followed by de-planing followed by passenger tantrums followed by new crew time-out followed eight hours later by flight cancellation and re-assignment to a new flight to another continent.

the 'plane HOM is seated in gets into a super long line trying to get de-iced followed by mechanical trouble followed by power outage followed by another line to de-ice followed by some more mechanical trouble followed eventually by a missed connection.

but by God's great providence both our final flights land in changi at the same time three days later on the same terminal and are assigned adjoining baggage belts and we share a cab home.

i often say God is in control but to see just how much control is both awe inspiring and amazingly comforting.


  1. I have often held, nothing is a coincidence. It's the hand of God. But phew, what an ordeal of a journey home!!! I'm thankful to hear you're safe and sound.

  2. thank you! i am the richer for the experience haha. and the focaccia in frankfurt airport was good.
