Sunday, November 29, 2015

thanksgiving 2015/with gratitude

1. we roll out a new more robust more defensible structure* that i am genuinely proud of. with enough polish i guess. against many odds. by God's generous undeserved grace
2. E wriggles his energetic enervating way into our lives, which will never be the same again. as neither will be our furniture and other fixtures around the home
3. HOM and i refine the weekend getaway to a finer art. keep it short keep it near keep it frequent keep it cool. but mostly keep it frequent. it is a good thing to enjoy each other's company
4. i go on a mission trip. with all its attendant limitations and challenges, i say yes entirely independently of HOM or J or J and discover a little bit'o'strength in myself
5. i finish another year of work that i generally like to wake up to show up for. i acquire a new workmate that makes showing up a pleasure. i wonder another year why i show up anyway
6. J and J keep us in their lives. people ask, do you not miss them? yes and no, i say. is our joy that they have their lives. God holds them in his hands

and, to the level of the day's most quiet need, by sun and candle-light, thanks be to God.

*the new Masters examination

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