Sunday, November 20, 2016

to J1, on the eve of his day

i see a boy in church. he is slight of build and urchin of face and i think of another little boy, once, across the fields of yesterday. he is older now. bigger stronger and wiser. he is gentler and marked by lessons. he has even more dreams.

what would you have me be, he asked me once. nothing too much, son, and everything. 

i would have you walk in faithful joyful obedience to the Lord of your youth, and i would have you walk the adventures of the paths he marks out for you. i would have you walk unafraid. i would have you walk in holy excitement. and my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory. 

be blessed in the coming year, child. be filled with fullness of comfort delight and cheer.

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