Sunday, May 27, 2018


observations of a hapless churchgoer stuck in the pews on a usual sunday.

words that ought to be struck off the collective religious lexicon:
even, used as a pointless place holder. as in, dear lord, even as we are gathered.
lord, freely and inconsequentially repeated in prayer. as in, dear lord, even as we are gathered, lord, please lord.

for that matter we need to amputate that form of congregational prayer that reduces the richness of language to a whining collection of requests swimming in an abundance of mixed metaphors and misconceived poetry. it might be a good idea to write down what one wants to pray in public, if only to avoid twittering.

as for that modern invention designed to break the ice and share the peace and greet our neighbor, whence we leave our seats and make eye contact with each other and shake the paw and mouth the prescribed greetings like we are resurrection people! arise! well, i wish we could just greet each other with a smile and say good morning!

i have no worthy comments to make on the sermon. HOM says one man's meat is another man's poison. someone had a lot of meat today.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

malaysia GE14

what do you think of the results, people ask me. i like it, i say.
but the history! M has done terrible things in his time! as for A - there is no smoke without fire!

true dat. but i am most glad that there is now an alternate power structure in place. i am so glad about this that i am willing to overlook the ruthlessness and shady rumors. because now we get a new grotesque, and it is a good thing to be able to choose between monstrosities. i tell HOM that the old barrel bottom was really rather bottom. 

i am next most pleased that the changeover is peaceful on a national level and full of rakyat coming out to gotong-royong on the community level. this is political and social maturity.

i've crossed many borders but my heart is proud across this one.

Friday, May 4, 2018


repose and retreat and refreshment for the tired soul. also quaint and pretty and charming little roaring tourist magnet.

the birthplace of the franciscans, the guide says. we will visit the superior church and the inferior church. 

our little group stages a little revolt. we will forgo the church, we say. can we go shopping instead?

HOM and i take a break from visiting basilicas and from shopping and tuck into a nice burrata with wine and cappuccino.

assissi is bijou.

health education

spotted at istanbul airport.
they certainly do not mince their words.
which is not to say they are effective.


after greece, rome is wonderful.

the food is better.
the ruins are better kept.
the graffiti is more controlled.
the hotel is more functional.
the weather is more agreeable.
the language is more comprehensible, on account of years of music theory.

they smoke just as much though.