Sunday, May 13, 2018

malaysia GE14

what do you think of the results, people ask me. i like it, i say.
but the history! M has done terrible things in his time! as for A - there is no smoke without fire!

true dat. but i am most glad that there is now an alternate power structure in place. i am so glad about this that i am willing to overlook the ruthlessness and shady rumors. because now we get a new grotesque, and it is a good thing to be able to choose between monstrosities. i tell HOM that the old barrel bottom was really rather bottom. 

i am next most pleased that the changeover is peaceful on a national level and full of rakyat coming out to gotong-royong on the community level. this is political and social maturity.

i've crossed many borders but my heart is proud across this one.

1 comment:

  1. wah, such dense writing, and rich in depth! agree the borders around the heart are not easily crossed! yet, globally, for justice, so glad (so astonished!)no blood was spilled. may righteousness exalt all nations!
