Monday, December 31, 2018

day trip

HOM and i trip over to macau. he brought me there twenty-eight years ago, he tells me. i forget. anyhow, here's my ode to macau (the old casino bit near st paul's, mind you, and not taipa, or coloane):
  • it's crowded. like, fire hazard crowded, or claustrophobia-inducing crowded but out in the open where in other places you get this crowded only indoors
  • it's really good for walking, what with their traffic lights at every street corner and apparent pedestrian supremacy. it does make being in a vehicle a bit of a nightmare though
  • them portuguese tarts are over-rated. gimme a nice tai cheong bakery egg tart any day
  • speaking of portuguese, here is where my pidgin italian and bastard spanish fail me. to my disappointment, they don't exactly port over
  • i don't know if it is because we explore too circumscribed an area, or if the macau people are really generous with their free admissions to ruins and churches and mansions and museums. but hey, i am grateful!
  • there is the pawnshop and the goldsmith's and the gilded and the fishmarket

1 comment:

  1. 1) Portuguese - you will find that most locals don't speak this language either
    2) Taipa - less crowded outdoors, more glitzy a la Vegas, more crowded inside
    3) Egg tarts - which ones did you try?
    4) Coloane - sleepy fishing village vibe.

    Next time come over to this side....
