Sunday, December 29, 2019

the year in perspective 2

i read a whopping number of non-trade books this year thanks to the e-library and my trusty smartphone app. HOM drags me to the gym every few weeks which is a damn sight better than two years back. the DSLR continues to supply the dust bunnies despite a brief attempt to take it out from the cabinet.

on the work front i get paid to do stuff that is not a chore and is even mostly enjoyable which of course excites vague feelings of unworthiness and guilt. my pleasure to engage young people, i always think. i walk with some patients to the end of their journeys. it is my utmost privilege.

O has a health scare which jolts me into considering an alternative life with no live-in help and perhaps shortened hours at work. against the odds stacked against her by age and imaging she emerges unscathed and HOM and i breathe a collective sigh of gratitude and relief.

HOM and i steal short trips which actually add up to quite an almost embarrassing number. heh.

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