Sunday, February 16, 2020


how easy
to be the priest
or the levite
to make plausible honorable excuses -
time and task imperatives and obligations to meet
and people waiting for me
and all valid too!

how easy
to assume priorities are important
and someone else will do this
and quickly forget i saw it

how easy
to love my schedule
and my lunch hour
and my to-do list


teach me to not reject the unexpected
to be interruptible
to be flexible
when Christ comes to me as my neighbor
may i be a neighbor

covid 19: observations from the trenches 2

this is a good time for new civic habits:
  • we could stop spitting in public
  • eat with our mouths shut
  • avoid littering
  • and wear masks when we are unwell, unbidden and unembarrassed!
at the systems level:
  • we should be able to call in sick and avoid a trip to the doctor's for mild symptoms. surely we are old enough to do that five decades post-independence
in the longer run, when this storm has passed:
  • we'd better make medical-grade masks a disaster response item and guard it from profiteers. charge a fair fixed price at retail that is costly enough that we will not hoard it yet make it available enough that we will not make a run on it 
  • make doctor-hopping a profitless aberration and medical attendance by appointment the strict norm. the infectious disease controls gaps in the current free-for-all system have been a fright to behold

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

psalm 23

i shall not want food nor drink and also not direction nor courage nor strength nor wisdom for all that i must face, because i have a shepherd who herds me. when i fear i may not rise to the occasion my shepherd will ensure i do.

he supplies when valor would fail
he protects when dangers lurk
he repairs comforts succors refills
he guides my foolish wayward feet.

you show me the way through the morass and the traps
you carry me when i am too worn to walk.

my lot overflows with good things
and you promise me even more!

Sunday, February 2, 2020


holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee, though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity
- reginald heber

the words of the old hymn wash over my weariness and i am reminded that the final step in dealing with pain and disappointment and anxiety and questions is to look upon the God of glory.

Saturday, February 1, 2020


the butter in yakun's kaya butter toast
regular butter, salted, chilled
churned butter, salted, chilled
on sweet cinnamon bread

yums doesn't begin to say it properly