Sunday, February 16, 2020

covid 19: observations from the trenches 2

this is a good time for new civic habits:
  • we could stop spitting in public
  • eat with our mouths shut
  • avoid littering
  • and wear masks when we are unwell, unbidden and unembarrassed!
at the systems level:
  • we should be able to call in sick and avoid a trip to the doctor's for mild symptoms. surely we are old enough to do that five decades post-independence
in the longer run, when this storm has passed:
  • we'd better make medical-grade masks a disaster response item and guard it from profiteers. charge a fair fixed price at retail that is costly enough that we will not hoard it yet make it available enough that we will not make a run on it 
  • make doctor-hopping a profitless aberration and medical attendance by appointment the strict norm. the infectious disease controls gaps in the current free-for-all system have been a fright to behold

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