Monday, March 16, 2020

social distancing: random observations

into our third month of the outbreak, s.d. is pretty much absent in an asian but heavily westernized community, particularly in:
  • coffee shops, because the more tables we can squeeze the bigger the profits
  • lines, because if i stand farther out someone might cut himself in
  • the train, through no fault of anyone but the people who schedule to maximize passenger load
  • gatherings, because after all we are together to get together, right? right?
  • church! because the mark of faith is to show up even if one is coughing one's lungs out! and 
  • places of public gatherings, like the beach or the park, because it's just like the 'flu anyway
pretty much the only place social distancing is successfully implemented is at healthcare institutions, where one is socially distanced without much of an option. and even then it's only a partial victory.

mine's just a little cough; i'm not infectious!
in fact, that's why i didn't mention it earlier!
dear me, what a loud sneeze that was!

what i am starting to think is, we need draconian measures like an absolute lockdown. because appealing to our good sense and better natures really does not work.

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