Friday, December 25, 2020

my first online year, looking back at christmas time

shopping is mostly remote now. really one no longer knows what to do in a brick and mortar situation. do you only take cash? how quaint! as a result i do not get christmas carol fatigue. in fact the music has been fairly tastefully jazzy with only an occasional smattering of white christmas in poor acoustics. that said, someone ought to disable daiso's sound system at christmas time. 

church is remote and disembodied. i hope our church fathers know how pernicious this is to our hallowed beloveds of fellowship ministry and outreach. because if, as a multi-decade veteran i feel that going to church is a day trip, i wonder about other people. to be precise, it is an exhausting day trip to a shrine and back.

the crowds are back. as are covidiots. that is to say, the covidiots have always been there but there are more of them concentrated per square foot now. and all the nice piped-in jazz in the world cannot change the fact that the lady behind me in the line is a tad too close and telling her life story to everybody on her 'phone.

the trekkers have crawled out of the wood onto every path and byway in the land. as have the less ambitious walkers who suddenly have the time. as have middle-aged cyclists in lycra with their bro groups and smokes. as have the more pragmatic mom 'n' pop cyclists on their foldable bikes. and also, delightfully, a number of doggies.

being a less ambitious walker, my knees hurt. as does my back. on some days, so does my tummy. and occasionally i have to jump out of the way.

there have been blessings worth another post and more. but really i guess, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

agnus Dei

following on a year of online sermons disembodied congregants and sluggish fellowship i now come bemusedly to the end of an absent advent wondering wot 'appened to it all. i am reminded that beyond the hollow tinsel dusty baubles wilting wreaths and gawdy commercialism there is the same old reason. even if i feel divorced from it all this year.

by sun and candlelight

it's been a long year but we've had bread and pizza both.

Monday, December 21, 2020

a letter to my son and my new daughter

as you plan your life together.

remember, amidst the busyness and the many details, why you are together. the kindness of regard and gentleness of spirit the fun of kindredness the wryness of humor and the freshness of perspective. remember the sunlight and candlelight by which love has come, especially when hurry and urgency and impatience would have their way.

remember God has brought you together. there is no waste no loss no missed timing in his ways. he has made you your past and your present. if you allow, God will guide your next passage. remember how easy it is to unhear God's voice when the world's voice clamors so.

remember to tend your garden together. beyond the excitement and glamor and romance and plans lie much quiet mundaneness plodding drudgery routine days and unacknowledged resentment. your love must thrive in one as in the other. it will, if you faithfully tend it. 

realize that two are better than one. two can dream bigger dreams than one. two can accomplish more than one. two can spur each other to be better. two can support each other in weakness. may you be a strong team of two, by God's extravagant grace.

Monday, December 14, 2020

apple Quick Start

 without doubt my most painless phone upgrade ever.

time was when one reinstalled and rearranged and reconfigured every app on one's screen.
and time is now when one re-validates one's credit card and is good to go.

Monday, December 7, 2020

just you and me

 bigger dreams
huger risks
the burden shared
the spirit widened
joy upon joy
and just a li'l pain
two children
three dogs
and more besides

with thanksgiving
as we hit thirty