Sunday, May 30, 2021

extras 2

only so much a girl can drink. there's 3 more phalanxes too. it's not their fault i tend towards diuresis.


only so many bananas a girl can eat.

body aches

day 20 of 21 today, and day 19 of static cardios with thebodyproject courtesy of HOM's unrelenting expectation. 

i ache in places i didn't know i had muscle. owwwww.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

survival tips

in addition to all the tips swimming in the 'net that we didn't know about, here, make sure you get these:

  • an on-the-spot exercise program. you get to eat better
  • something to heat up the food. it expands the repertoire somewhat
  • easy-wash-easy-dry clothes for when the upper body is presented on zoom. pants optional
  • chargers. them sockets and cables too. personal painful tip this
  • lysol wipes. wasteful and easy

victuals 2

again, thank you!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


we've been feeding excellently. thank you.

dinner for two

we may have over-done it.

life lessons

when choosing music to exercise to, forget mozart's sonatas. even if claudio abbado is playing. the heart it just is not going to go boop boop boop.

the trout, on the other hand, does rather well to push you along.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Monday, May 24, 2021

final stretch

we've been eating rather well, thanks to an assortment of unexpected pleasures from various friends. indeed we may have been eating better than we usually do.

certainly i have been putting in more muscular investment than in any other period to date. since forever. one almost feels sorry to be planning to backslide as soon as this is over. 

day-14 swab today. most unpleasant of the three we've had yet. the swab went in and in and in and i thought it would pierce my cribriform plate. most unnerving.

with a side disruption from a keyboard warrior casting aspersions on GPs for being only generalists, much like failed specialists. if he wasn't so offensive he would have been comic. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

the guest list - lucy foley (2020)

they call it an atmospheric murder story. 

i call it a jolly good romp with enough loose threads to make a woven piece and all coming together in a thoroughly satisfactory way towards the end.

if ever anyone deserved to be the victim this one did.

it's the kind of book you can't stop reading and you don't want to finish. smashing good read, is what i say. i only wish the ending was more protracted.

it arrived!

we're back in action, me and my trusty laptop.

note to self: must remember to pack in the cable when packing socket.

a day in the life

we are almost at the halfway mark!

every morning HOM drags me to do a beginner-level low-impact cardio workout according to that profusely talkative thebodyproject trainer guy that i am coming to heartily dislike. 

after i huff and puff and want to vomit and die we retreat to our individual work stations and pound the keyboards for a good part of the day. because a girl has to earn her keep.

we spend much time anticipating the bento box deliveries and discussing our joint disappointment and shattered hopes when the boxes arrive. that's three times a day. 

occasionally the excitement of an unscheduled delivery shatters the monotony. grabfood! redmart! fresh towels! i also need my newly purchased laptop charging cable to arrive soon. three laptops feeding off HOM's current cable is a bit of a tight squeeze.

we haven't had to don a mask for over a week. i'm almost starting to miss them face accessories.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

room with a view

the most impressive  expansive view i have captured of the city-state ever. all it takes, i tell HOM, is an enforced sojourn in a honeymoon-worthy hotel room in the heart of the tourist district. that's the pandemic for you.

we miss E the dog.

survival supplies

we are proud owners a dinky (used) toaster over, an atavistic purchase following two days of standard issue grub. there is a charm to butter on toast that cold bento just cannot compete with. 

it's useful for heating up them chicken wings too. also, we have cup noodles.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


we are back from new york city, bleary-eyed and grateful.

now we just need to survive 3 weeks of lock-up.

i quite like the isolation. fortunately, i tell HOM, we like each other.

but i miss fresh air and better food.

'nuff said.

new family

Y and her family join ours. welcome! 
long may we rejoice in growing friendship and fellowship. 
strongly and richly may you and J1 build your home.
gladly may we worship and love.
what God has brought together, may we gently tend.