Wednesday, May 19, 2021

a day in the life

we are almost at the halfway mark!

every morning HOM drags me to do a beginner-level low-impact cardio workout according to that profusely talkative thebodyproject trainer guy that i am coming to heartily dislike. 

after i huff and puff and want to vomit and die we retreat to our individual work stations and pound the keyboards for a good part of the day. because a girl has to earn her keep.

we spend much time anticipating the bento box deliveries and discussing our joint disappointment and shattered hopes when the boxes arrive. that's three times a day. 

occasionally the excitement of an unscheduled delivery shatters the monotony. grabfood! redmart! fresh towels! i also need my newly purchased laptop charging cable to arrive soon. three laptops feeding off HOM's current cable is a bit of a tight squeeze.

we haven't had to don a mask for over a week. i'm almost starting to miss them face accessories.

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