Sunday, August 22, 2021

recent books

  • peter wimsey - dorothy sayers
  • hamish macbeth - m.c. beaton
  • noise - kahneman, sibony, sunstein (2021)
  • league of denial - fainaru-wada & fainaru (2013)
  • the undoing project - michael lewis (2016)
  • young wives' tales - adele parks (2012)
  • the premonition - michael lewis (2021, fresh!)
  • the bilingual brain - albert costa (2020)
it's been a pretty decent list of enjoyable stuff. peter wimsey and hamish macbeth pop up like whack-a-mole's in between the rest. i am in constant tension between reading another one and getting closer to the end of the series. and, as you see, i tend to like michael lewis' action. 

also, the bilingual brain is brilliant. i only wish i remembered to give it its own review. 

here are some that i could not finish, owing to pretentious writing irritating premise or unfulfilled promise:
  • c. northcote parkinson's parkinson's law - leo gough (2011). gah gah gah. the original is miles better 
  • to sell is human - daniel pink (2012). we just don't get along. i've tried drive and i could not finish that either
  • stuffocation - james wallman (2013). long-winded pedantry. as a new word i learnt puts it, it's prolix
  • surrounded by idiots - thomas erikson (2014). same vibes as the above. pity, because it has such a catchy title 
  • real food/fake food - larry olmsted (2016). i am unable to manage beyond a few chapters and i stop in the interest of self-preservation. because one needs to carry on eating, you know

and i am working my way through mental acrobatics for this one, because i catch glimpses of a glorious blue sky amidst the (admittedly witty) verbiage:
  • the stuff of thought - steven pinker (2005)

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