Wednesday, January 26, 2022

3 books to begin the year with (sort of)

leaders eat last - the soloist - gratitude
in chronological order of consumption and in increasing degree of enjoyment. gratitude is Oliver Sacks' swan song, and an ode to the value of living richly and busily. predominant feeling is one of gratitude. i have loved and been loved; i have been given much and i have given something in return;... i have had an intercourse with the world... if i live to be eighty-two, i would like that to be my predominant feeling too.

new syndrome

vGBS, vocabular Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome

a syndrome characterized by progressive cognitive paralysis with each incorrect guess on wordle, culminating in complete shut-down and a choking sensation at line 6.

in contrast to GBS, which is a rare condition, vGBS is relatively common.


 crept up and sneaked in, that's what the year has done. the year-to-date tally:

  • circulars and circulars. delta omicron and now BA.2. isolation deisolation non-isolation. protocols 1-2-2PC-3. PPM MMP SSM SSS. i hope one day i will look back and it will still make a modicum of sense
  • cybersecurity and internet separation. very good for governance and rather non-intuitive and punitive to the rest of us who now have to read our excel tables on a cellphone. halp
  • wordle! the box of yellow-and-green squares that binds work-mates family old friends and more. may the day come when i hit the green bar on my first line!
  • and gently easing back to going to church on sundays. to clarify, i mean the actual building, as opposed to the couch. which means getting dressed and leaving the home and venturing to travel to-and-fro. no longer the brainless task it was