Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 crept up and sneaked in, that's what the year has done. the year-to-date tally:

  • circulars and circulars. delta omicron and now BA.2. isolation deisolation non-isolation. protocols 1-2-2PC-3. PPM MMP SSM SSS. i hope one day i will look back and it will still make a modicum of sense
  • cybersecurity and internet separation. very good for governance and rather non-intuitive and punitive to the rest of us who now have to read our excel tables on a cellphone. halp
  • wordle! the box of yellow-and-green squares that binds work-mates family old friends and more. may the day come when i hit the green bar on my first line!
  • and gently easing back to going to church on sundays. to clarify, i mean the actual building, as opposed to the couch. which means getting dressed and leaving the home and venturing to travel to-and-fro. no longer the brainless task it was

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