Saturday, August 27, 2022

pearl of the orient

been twenty-five years since our last visit, we think. plus ca change etc.
  • penang hill, in the distance, looks the same. benignantly maternal and immanent
  • the old zinc roofs and shophouses continue uncensored and firmly in the last two centuries
  • although the mid-century-style chinese schools now sport LED welcome billboards
  • georgetown gentrification looks shabby chic by now. they need a new wave soon
  • our palate is no longer as intrepid as it was. or perhaps our eyes miss less
but penang remains a magical place to visit, i tell HOM:
  • the people are friendly and unassuming and speak the dialect of my childhood
  • the place is messy the traffic is 'orrible but it all works anyway
  • there are surprisingly few smokers out loose
  • the food is good and the exchange rate is favorable
  • the peranakan museum was gorgeous. with english-speaking guides! yesss

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