Sunday, November 20, 2022

a letter to my daughter and my new son

our hearts are glad! glad that you have come to this time. very glad that you have begun to share hopes and plans with each other. and gladdest that you seek to build those plans upon eternal foundations. 

remember that God has brought you together. if you allow, God will keep you together. in God there is no wasted opportunity or lost time and your small steps become part of a beautiful whole. our prayer as you walk your path together is that the path be broad beneath your feet and that your feet be sure. it is easy to lose sight of the path when there are many thrills at the side!

there is a garden full of seeds that you must tend. the blooms are messy but gorgeous and striking but delicate and the beds are planned but contrary. you must tend them in the growing seasons when the sun is gentle and the rains fall kindly and you must protect them when the sun scorches and the showers become thundery. remember to tend to them in the dry seasons when you mostly have the memory of the blooms!

remember how you met and were met. remember the kindness of regard the consideration for others the gentleness of expectation that each of you has. build upon it patience and faithfulness and self-control. may yours be a garden where love and joy and peace bloom.

may your garden be glorious and magnificent!

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