Thursday, December 1, 2022

to J1 and J2

how you have both grown! into adulthood and responsibilities and strategizing! and homes and pets and possessions! and into dreams and hopes and plans!

i thank God for the partners you have chosen. Y is outwardly gentle with a core of strength that matches your soft-heartedness, J1, with sharpness of thought that will make her your able partner. Ji has an eager and curious mind that is like yours, J2, and yet so unlike yours that he will be your strength and your foil. 

i thank God for the paths you have chosen. they are so different from our paths and yet not so different. thirty-odd years ago we trod divergent paths from friends and family and went courageously and recklessly into uncertainties and adventures. as you are doing today. may the tapestries you weave be richly intricate and festooned with all manner of gems.

i thank God for your faith. may you each be strengthened and built up and filled with His fulness. may you have hearts that reach out and hands that gladly share. may you be blessings, and may you be deeply blessed.

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