Wednesday, January 3, 2024

vita mutator

thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered... for what Thou dost deny... for storms that i have weathered... for all Thou dost supply!... for pain... for pleasure... for comfort... for grace... for love - august l. storm

sudden flashes of a tender young man who would play music to accompany me

thoughtful self-controlled and gentle, creative enquiring and restless

he grew up honorable and determined and kind

sudden memory of a little girl, saving her school snack to share with me

feisty and fearless and able, chatty and cheerful (and loud!)

she grew up generous and strong and loving

they both have partners now

matched to their strengths and weaknesses

better partners than their parents would have known to choose!

may you fly swift, my children! and soar high! may God grant that we make more memories yet

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