Thursday, June 20, 2024

taking stock

there! after years of waffling i finally am taking steps to taper down and to switch off:

  • it feels unreal still. possibly because i still wake up and show up and will have to do so for another ten days yet
  • i feel excited. lots of projects vying for attention in my head. shall i learn the violin? calligraphy? pilates? whither shall i travel next? no doubt my thoughts will settle into a more sedate jumble soon 
  • i feel just a little bit apprehensive. what if i need care? who may i even ask? what if i lose my edge? what if i vegetate into oblivion? 
  • i feel thankful. for life as a working woman and a trailing spouse and as a practitioner-educator with full agency and supportive colleagues and colleagues who have become friends
  • i feel supremely grateful. i have met and influenced and taught and been taught by and i have been enriched stretched and fulfilled beyond every thought i had when i started 
now to be done with one kind of doing and to be starting on another kind. 

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