Saturday, August 24, 2024


i have a really long day at work the other day. my colleagues are new and require hand-holding. patients come later than their scheduled time and take more than their allotted. 

as well as out-of-the-blue 'phone calls from relatives. 

my dad had a fall this morning, she says. he was drenched in his own sweat. what should i do? he refuses to see anyone. will you speak to him? i do, over the 'phone. to my immense gratitude, we have sufficient history between us for him to decide to listen.

my mum's skin is breaking out again, her daughter tells me, at her wits' end. we work out a plan to bring her in for a check in the next days.

to be a pilgrim, victoria sweet says, is to know the starting point and the ending and to have adventures in between. to go and peaceably (and even delightedly) meet the people and events that come my way unannounced. 

my aim for this year, most belatedly, is to be more pilgrim-like.

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