Monday, January 4, 2016

taiwan, hk, sgp impressions

the most spine-chilling sound a pedestrian can encounter in a chinese-predominant country is the hacking sound of a fellow pedestrian vigorously clearing his throat. most often this sound is the prelude to the splat of that which is cleared hitting the ground. woe betide thee if thou wast within splashing range of the splat.

on a related note, that betel quid rears its head again in hk and taiwan, although perhaps not as fervently as in myanmar.

the chinese diaspora, in increasing order of cultural acceptability: chinese-hk-taiwanese. i would put the average singaporean somewhere between the hk and the taiwanese, who are generally the most genteel of the lot. i can say this only because of my ethnicity, by virtue of which i share all their obnoxious genes.

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