Wednesday, January 6, 2016

the lord's prayer

old familiar words that i mouth week by week which calm me down, pavlov-like. 

ours, really? ours, and not mine, nor thine, this Father, provider, protector, companion, friend? grant that we may share in hallowing thee - nay, grant that we may not share in dishonoring thee - and thy name, which we bear and by which we are known, for better and for worse. Thy kingdom and thy will, on earth and in heaven - how puny our desires and preoccupations when we remember that! and what measure of confidence and faith God would have us wrap in our daily bread - that we should trust Him to perceive and to provide. what measure of debt our God forgives, and what measure of debt we begrudge! - whose wayward feet would wander unawares, and swiftly, and gladly, into perdition, were our Savior not there to turn us aside. this is our God, to whom belongs the kingdom and the power and the glory. 

not quite pavlov-like. magnificently and triumphantly-like, and comforting-like, rather.

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