Monday, May 9, 2016

various feelings of disappointment and disgust*

we are fresh from the weekend by-election and from two weeks of campaigning and i wonder if noblesse will ever oblige in this country. will we not, i wonder, with alternating frustration and impatience, engage in a discussion of ideas? why will we not? why do we so consistently and determinedly drive the debates into depths of ill-chosen words and unchivalry? why do we teach our youngsters in school the importance of sportsmanship and then, when they reach adulthood and the age of reason, we reverse all that and just hit below the belt? why is the gutter the jousting grounds, sirs? remember you have to hold your heads high after! how do you do that (and not blush)?

*in re the bukit batok by-election, May 2016, during which various comments were made about the opposition candidate which sadly degraded the quality of discourse. 

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